After reading it and really "liking" the tone of it (cough cough), Mike and I asked if we could publish it, to which we got the response "do whatever you want." So we did.
Wikipedia defines Dissenting Opinion as:
A dissenting opinion (or dissent) is an opinion in a legal case written by one or more judges expressing disagreement with the majority opinion of the court which gives rise to its judgment.On that note, we bring you this week's edition:
April 1st Show
Yes, I had too much prune juice and over slept for the show and couldn’t get out of my rocker this weekend to share my thoughts. But I just drank my Tang and feel energized to give you a review of this week's Tweeps Talking Tech!
- iPad talk
- Patrick jumped to the head of the line and purchased an iPad and loves the free advertising that Apple takes the free advertising route (smart social media strategy). Patrick also tried to make the video sell more by highlighting the video functionality and integration by companies (or lack there of) into the iPad. Funny enough, Yahoo released a great article on the iPad shortcomings so Patrick… take that!
- iPhone to Verizon
- The boys are not sold on the iPhone for Verizon. This will be a scaled down version and possibly limited talk/search functionality.
- Jeff Pulver
- Well, Jeff opened his talk by discussing the over-referenced use of social media by President Obama in his campaign. He also made a Susan Boyle and James Cameron “Avatar” reference. Wow – he really opts to discuss the most obscure social media case studies. Maybe he was holding off on an Iraq election reference and saving that for a later date. Ugh, but I digress.
- Jeff is a thought leader in social media and recognizes the importance of how this impacts people and businesses. And then Patrick got a word in edgewise to talk about Captain Sully. Being in a meeting with Jeff has got to be difficult, I mean, try to get in a word edgewise on this guy and he will drown you right back out. Nevertheless, Jeff is a smart dude and gave a lot of great insight on social networking, trends, drinking/drugs and the use of Foursquare.
- Really, Foursquare was brought up again?! OK, using Foursquare is a great tool… just don’t push everything to Twitter! Jeff made an elusion to this as he said he was off of Foursquare at SXSW but able to connect with others on Foursquare. Yes, use Foursquare on Foursquare and not on Twitter… brilliant!
- Laini Abraham
- Laini joined the call after Jeff, maybe she was well rested after listening to Jeff’s diatribe.
- Laini is an Easton lifer and wanted to give back to the community with her books. She is slowly integrating social media into her work and is learning how well it is to connect with old friends and how to leverage businesses are able to seize this opportunity.
- Also, in case you missed it, S. Patrick said “in Easton which is where we hail from”. Yes, S. Patrick used the word “hail” in a serious sentence.
- LV TweetUp
- Promo, plug, advertising, promo, plug, advertising. Yeah, if you follow @LVtweetup you already read the same stuff they spoke about so blah blah blah – read it online.
- Patrick
- Yes, Patrick is trying to get you to gift him an iPhone app. DON’T DO IT!!!!!!
Now let’s get serious, just for a moment. When you have lengthy interview segments you loose an edgy feel to the show. While Jeff and Laini were fantastic, and I do mean fantastic guests, there is a lacking of discussions and taking of callers throughout the show.
Come on guys, integrate the global knowledge with the local flavor and take some calls. LV with Love must be heard!