Thursday, February 13, 2014

Revel in the smallest things. Then, they won't be so small.

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Different kind of #TBT: My personal technology throwback

I have my Pebble Steel on order and got to thinking today how the Pebble is kind of like the Palm Pilot of smart watches.  It's a the first one to really work and it has some traction amongst the super geeky - but most people won't be buying one until Apple comes out with theirs.

An ad I saw today for the Pebble actually read "Multi Color LED".  Haha.  The face of the Steel is black "e-ink" (like the original Kindle).  If you look at the Palm Pilot below - it's basically the same thing!

I wonder how long it will take until we are at the point of a smart watch being as ubiquitous as retina display phones?

Heres a visual history of just some of my geekery showing itself.

Original Palm Pilot

Kyocera 7135, I LOVED THIS PHONE!

Motorola StarTAC, this phone lasted forever

Palm Treo, first work phone with email.  Only 7 or 8 years ago!

Original iPhone

iPhone 4

iPhone 5S

This visual list doesn't even have my original iPad, the second generation iPad, an iPad mini, and 21 keyboard cases.

This is where my money goes!

So. Yeah. Easton's getting a bit of snow.

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Deep thoughts from my coffee mug

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