Tuesday, September 30, 2008

First class idiots

First class idiots
Originally uploaded by -SPK
Amy got me!

Did I mention that we got bumped off our Allentown flight so they upgraded us to first class and we drank like fishes (8:45 am flight mind you) all the way to Charlotte.

Look at all the vodka bottles next to me and Todd.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Seven Hundred Billion Dollars

As our government signs a $700 billion bailout of our central banking system, I think it's time to understand exactly how much $700,000,000,000 actually is.

$700 billion is:

$2,325 for every single man, woman and child in the USA
$2,790 for every car registered in the USA
$13,335 for every second since September 29, 1908
$21,540 for every second that a 62 year old has lived
$167,704,839 for every family of a US confirmed death in Iraq (as of 9-28-08)

The NY Times has a nice image to help put this into perspective this too. The below video is called Money as Debt and is totally worth watching. This is what our banking system is, explained in lay persons terms. It's long, but totally worth watching so you understand why the government is doing this. We simply need debt to make our economy work.

It's a vicious cycle, we need debt so we have money and we need money to pay debt, the real question is: How long is this sustainable?

Key West, photo favs

Key West Trip You have to do THIS when you go to Key West.

Key West Trip Key Lime Pie, ahhhhhhhhhhh.

Key West Trip A Sunset sail.

Key West Trip A sunset - with some rain.

The whole set is here.

All I can say is "Oh.My.God"

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Key West--> Long Way From Home

Key West was a really great stop. Our hotel was right on Duvall Street which the center of Key West. At 6 lofty floors, The Crowne Plaza building is the tallest in all of Key West and if that's not famous enough for you Tennessee Williams stayed here while he was writing A Streetcar Named Desire.

We toured The Hemmingway House, saw the Southernmost Point in the Continental USA (left photo), took the famous Conch Train, snorkled, and ate lots of great food.

Got to the Key West Airport with plenty of time to spare yesterday and as it ends up, it didn't matter. There was a crazy storm and we were delayed for over an hour. As we landed at the Atlanta airport - we had about 20 minutes to our connecting flight. If the pilot didn't drive to New Jersey after he landed (or so it seemed) we wouldn't have had to sprint with our 3 bags to the next concourse and run about a mile (no kidding) at full song.

Based on the title of this post, I'll let you guess what happened when we got there. Becky had tears in her eyes from the disapointment and I had tears in my eyes from the run. We tried a standby flight to Philly with no luck and ended up at at nice Comfort Inn in Atlanta with a bunch of Delta Polits.

Alls well that ends well and we sit here this morning, in repeat clothes, at our gate awating the plane to ABE.

Here is the link to the Bahamas Pictures and I will be uploading the Key West Pictures soon.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Immortalized on Thing of the Moment

This famous blogger is someone who I met on the internets, the tubes, the interwebs, blogosphere, freakysphere, etc.

Our relationship began when I answered a want ad for a photography student, but that's a story for another day. His name is jkirlin and today, my wife and I were immortalized on his blog as you can in the above picture.

For this, I am eternally grateful. Becky is eternally freaked out. And the authorities are eternally prepared.


Sunday, September 7, 2008

Bumble bee bokeh

This little guy loves the butterfly bushes!

Presenting: Our new ant farm

Presenting: Our new ant farm

This could be fun!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Kaitlyn Likes To Eat

Edit 2/23/2009:  Welcome to all Kaitlyn's who got here from Facebook's "Kaitlyn likes to" read www.patrickkaine.com!

I noticed while looking through some video, that I have a ton of her eating! We have always said she is a very passionate eater!!!  

What a nut.

end of summer

Neither one of them is really in focus. probably b/c I was using 212 mm and was about 10 feet away.

My sigma macro lens can focus at about 10", so 10 feet 'aint no thing.  Well, that is, if you don't mind a shallow DOF.

Can you see his foot?

Can you see his foot?, originally uploaded by -SPK.

I walk out of an appointment and hear a rustling up in the trees and as I look up 2 squirrels are falling from about 40 feet and land in street with a low thud. Ouch.

So I walk over and one little guy is obviously dazed and confused since he doesn't do anything as I stand 6" away from him. His friend must not have been taught to "never leave your friends behind" because he was back in the tree in 3 seconds. Than, almost as quickly as they fell out of the tree the little one wakes up and BOLTS DIRECTLY BETWEEN MY LEGS.

Holy! I do a 180 and see that he ran under my car but didn't seem to come out the other side. As I meander to the passenger side, the above picture is the scene I captured.

So what did I do? I poked him with a pen to get him out of there. What would you do?

Well, the poking definitely worked because he moved - by climbing directly into my engine compartment! Hmmmm. So I opened the hood and couldn't see a thing.

Next, as I'm lying prone on the street (in my suit) looking for the little guy - the accountant whose office I just left - walks out at this moment and genuinely asks "Engine trouble?"


After a short explanation, he laughs and steps back a few paces. Must not be a squirrel fan.

A few more turns of the steering wheel and a 1/4 roll forward, my little buddy fell backwards onto the street and sundered off - looking a little I will after a night in the Bahamas.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Palin lied, distorted the truth and thinks Americans won't even check her facts

The Obama camp did, and here's a long rundown of her lies/distortions/rhetoric/more of the McSame.

Here is the link instead of the entire text.... I realized you had to scroll to China to see the next post :-)

And an updated video of fact checks