Monday, March 29, 2010

Writing History

P090909PS-0026, originally uploaded by The White House.

No matter what your personal opinion of health care reform is - this photograph is amazing. Never before have we had this type of access to the White House...

This is something I would hang in my office.

(Thanks to @PMADesigns for posting on Twitter)

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Travel and technology: Apps

This is being cross posted on my new blog, Tweeps Talk Tech.

Last week my family and I traveled to Disney for a week vacation and for the first time that I can remember, I didn't bring a computer with me.  OH, THE HUMANITY!

Many technology lovers like me prefer to never be disconnected; even when my father-in-law comes to visit he brings his laptop. The beauty of having my iPhone is that I was never disconnected and had every piece of information I wanted right at my fingertips.

Here is a rundown of the apps I used and why you should too.

Dropbox is a free file storage app that syncs files with your PC, Mac, and iPhone over the internet.  I needed to have access to some files for work, so I just copied them into my "work" folder inside Dropbox and they were sync'd in seconds.  From inside the app I can view, email or copy the file.

Since Dropbox updated to V 1.1, they added PIN code access, making the app secure.

Evernote is my brain inside my phone.  I snap pictures of notes I've taken, clip web pages, emails, flight info, itineraries and more.  Evernote searches by keyword and even reads words inside pictures!

Who wants to actually *type* on your clean iPhone screen, when you have Mickey chocolate on your fingers?  Why not just speak into Dragon Dictation and send the converted words to email, text message, or copy to the clipboard to paste anywhere!

My favorite Twitter app, and you know I can't be without my Twitter.

eBuddy is a great chat application that offers free and paid versions.  You can chat live with contacts in Gmail, Facebook, Yahoo, AIM and more.

Want to find local restaurants, events, businesses, taxis, or the weather?  Just open Siri and Say it!

How else would you know where I was?