Saturday, June 14, 2008

Caption This

Yummy juice boxes, originally uploaded by -SPK.

Lets see who can come up with a good caption for this photo of me and Andrew "the artist" Kish III.

Lifehacker Lawn Tip: Don't bag or rake your grass clippings, BLOW THEM AWAY!

I made this little video for one of my favorite sites, They have a flickr pool of user contributions hoping that their tip makes it to the site. Cross your fingers for me!


I see my neighbors either bagging or raking their grass clippings. Bagging is a lot of work (especially when the lawn is high) and raking just plan stinks.

I learned this tip when I was a landscaper (read: lawn cutter) for a summer. It works great, makes for a healthier lawn, and is easier than bagging or raking.

People always want to know if I blow them off of the lawn, and if so where do they go? They aren't blown off of the lawn, rather they are spread evenly so that you just don't see them, really!

I love me some NASCAR

I love me some NASCAR, originally uploaded by -SPK.

This is Jamie McMurray's show car that was on display in downtown Bethlehem a week ago.

It was really cool to see the COT in person and get a get a good look at the splitter in the front.

Isn't she perty? (Becky, I mean)